
Showing posts from July, 2022

BA.5 – COVID 7th wave in Japan and holiday season

  Our local shrine’s festival resumed for the first time in three years. Streets were once again jolly with illuminated lanterns. Kids were playing wood flute and drums to add festive feeling. They were performing the music in front of train station. People enjoyed the music in the evening.   I assume that the shrine must have planned the festival when the number of corona patients were decreasing daily – at least until June 2022. People must have put much effort into the preparation, looking forward once again to practice the music, drew out the portable shrine (Omikoshi) ready to be carried around the town, and float to carry the music bands.   Before COVID-19, the festival was like these; I watched the children playing music with somewhat mixed feeling. By the time the festival started, the number of COVID-19 patients were increasing at tremendous speed. I was tracking only the daily figure

New Job Opportunities amid the COVID 7th wave

 New COVID variant is now spreading across Japan. I almost lost track of how many waves passed by, but the media reports that this is the 7 th wave here. The number of positive cases doubled over the past two weeks. Tokyo now sees more than 30,000 patients.   Despite this depressing news, I saw few positive changes.   My former employer, a travel company selling tours from Japan to Europe and Middle East, has brunch offices across Europe. These offices are now hiring some specialists who has experience working for group tours from Japan. It seems that European offices are ready to prepare for incoming tours from Asia.   The company used to handle tours from Asian countries to Europe and Middle East. With COVID-19, I heard that the offices in Japan is half closed, some comes to office for quotation and few tour operations. The employees there have been given temporary jobs at various institutions and organizations. I was relieved to hear that my former colleagues are still

Kindle Unlimited – yay or nay?

 Last week when I was browsing through one of book community in Japan, I came across with phrases such as; “This book is not bad despite it’s on Kindle Unlimited”. “Books on Kindle Unlimited are not worth reading”   What a revelation. So, this is how public see the books on Kindle Unlimited.   I can not deny their point of view, because with Kindle Unlimited, many authors can publish books without going through professional editors.   I myself am publishing an essay and novels without going through the eyes of professionals. My editors are my family, who are avid readers and can notice slight mistakes on spellings and grammars. My father is keen on historical novels, and even suggested me some books to get idea of writings in crisp and clear writing styles.   I put my books under Kindle Unlimited, without much thinking that they might be bargain for some readers, However, some people in book communities are pretty harsh on Kindle Unlimited.   So far, my books are bo

Tourism in Japan in 2022 and New Corona Variant

The Japanese government announced that Japan will reopen to tourist from abroad from the beginning of June, allowing 20000 people per day.   This is good news for those who wish to visit and enjoy Japan for the first time in two years. Also, this is a big shift for those in travel industry in Japan. They can finally welcome visitors from abroad – some cities and towns have been relied upon visitors from abroad for years. They have been waiting for this moment for long time – two years are definitely long for some businesses such as restaurants, tourist spots and gift shops.   However, I had a big question: the Japanese government announced border reopening just two months before the scheduled date. And they only allow group tours with guides who control the itinerary and sanitation. I wondered - are the two months long enough to sell group tours?   I believe most of travel companies start selling group tours at least 6 month ahead of the departure dates. Two months are ju

Publishing the second novel – a book on changing friendship

In June, I published my second novel. The book focus on the changing friendship of women through the course of life.     There are times when your friendship is tested when we came across the crossroad in our lives.  was interested in how the life events gouge out the difference of value in life between friends, especially the friendship between women.   The egoism might cause friends leave, even if you think you are doing good for others.   I found that the crossroads in life, such as marriage, pregnancy, meeting your old love, changing jobs, and family’s death, are the times when your friendship are tested,   When you are at the crossroad, what will happen if there are friends who are too egoistic?   A friend who become out of control as a result of bordering problem with others – such as borderline personality disorder. These people could cause mayhem, believing that she is doing good for others.   An old friend who is too proud and can’t see herself object