Short Story: Girls' Day at school

The alarm was ringing. Time to get up. As I pulled back the curtains, the sunlight spilled into the room, dazzling my eyes. Today was Girls’ Day—or at least, that’s what we secretly called it among ourselves. It was just a little in-joke for us girls in the same year. This term, the last lesson every Friday for us 4th form (equivalent to the first year of high school) was PE. Surprisingly, for such a small school, we actually had two options for PE activities. Thanks to Mark and Joseph, our school bus drivers who also happened to have PE teaching qualifications, we could choose between two groups: one went to the nearby park to play football, while the other did whatever sport was available in a hired gym for the day. I’d tried the football class once. Big mistake. Not knowing the rules, I ended up committing foul after foul and getting scolded for it. I quickly decided football wasn’t for me. Besides, being the only girl playing among the boys was exhausting—keeping up with thei...