
Showing posts with the label e-book

Kindle Unlimited – yay or nay?

 Last week when I was browsing through one of book community in Japan, I came across with phrases such as; “This book is not bad despite it’s on Kindle Unlimited”. “Books on Kindle Unlimited are not worth reading”   What a revelation. So, this is how public see the books on Kindle Unlimited.   I can not deny their point of view, because with Kindle Unlimited, many authors can publish books without going through professional editors.   I myself am publishing an essay and novels without going through the eyes of professionals. My editors are my family, who are avid readers and can notice slight mistakes on spellings and grammars. My father is keen on historical novels, and even suggested me some books to get idea of writings in crisp and clear writing styles.   I put my books under Kindle Unlimited, without much thinking that they might be bargain for some readers, However, some people in book communities are pretty harsh on Kindle Unlimited.   So far, my books are bo

Publishing an essay on drinks in Europe and Caucasus

  During COVID-19 restriction, I did another project: writing essays on drinks in mainly in Europe, Japan and Caucasus.   As a one engaged in travel industry, I wrote many writings for my job to introduce European drinks, including wines, beers, whiskeys and liqueurs.   The work involves many research on internet as well as trying the drink myself. I felt it important to experience the drink itself, as I was introducing the drinks to potential Japanese travellers abroad – I did not want to sound fake.   This time, I could spend more time researching the backgrounds of each drinks. It was interesting to learn the history of each drinks and passion of those who made the first drink, and success of the business.   The main reason I wrote this subject was that I wanted to carry on researching food and drinks abroad. When I was working at travel company, the work involved many research. I wanted to carry on with that, in order to keep the antenna up and keep the writing skil