Essay: Leadership : two uninviting meetings

I have found myself in a leadership position a few times over the years. And each time, I’ve been struck by the same, rather painful realisation: I’m not cut out for it. Like most people, I have difficulty dealing with certain types of individuals. In particular, those who, despite having no relevant experience, are brimming with overconfidence and believe they are naturally entitled to lead. These are the people who think everyone else should instinctively flock to them. Back in my university days, I had the chance to direct an English-language play. It was an ambitious undertaking, based on a script I’d been nurturing for years. This wasn’t just a casual student affair – even 30 years ago, it involved charging an audience for tickets, so there was an added sense of responsibility. Among the cast was a complete novice. She’d never set foot on a stage before, let alone acted. Directing this individual proved to be a monumental challenge. While she was confident in their English s...