A Brief History of Yokohama in 17th and 18th century

One afternoon in February, I met one of my friend in Yokohama for a lunch.

It was just the day after I turned down a job offer from an organization in Tokyo.

I initially informed my friend a good new of being offered a position. However, my instinct told me not to take that offer, as the people I met at the interview seemed so unhappy, frightened, hollow and lethargic. I know that I should take any chance, but meeting these people simply put me off and I wasn’t excited to receive the job offer at all.

I met my friend at a restaurant and informed my decision. He has been helping me through the past months, introducing to various job agents and giving me plenty of advice when changing job. He is a cheery chap who is quite talented manager in banking and insurance field with lots of experience. I wanted to meet him, to get better influence from a successful person. Furthermore, I wanted to catch up with him as we haven’t met about 5 years or so.

He suggested to meet at a restaurant which is pretty famous in Yokohama area. It is called “ Bashamich Juban Kan ( No. 10 at horse-drawn coach lane ). It is a quite strange name for a restaurant, but it is a best suited name considering the history of the area.

Link : Bashamichi Juban Kan

Yokohama is one of the port town which opened up trades with Europe and America about 200 years ago. Back in 1630’ss to 1850’s, Japan had a quite limited diplomatic relationship with many foreign countries. Diplomatic relationship was sustained between Korea and China, with yearly visits exchanged by the diplomats. 

Link : Diplomatic Missions from Korea

Link : Japan-China relationship during Tokugawa era

Very limited and possibly illegal oversea travel and trade were done with South East Asian countries. Trade relationships with the West was limited with Portugal and the Netherlands only. There are few occasions when whale hunting ships from the West were wrecked on shores of Japan and whale hunters were saved, but these were the few occasions when encountering visitors from abroad. These took place during the colonial period when many countries in Asia were colonized, and I reckon that Japan had no intention to give up the independence, and decided to minimize the foreign relationship.

And in 1853, Matthew C. Perry, a US naval officer, came to Japan with four steamboats and combatant ships with diplomatic message from the President of the United States of America for trade relationship between Japan and America. This was a crucial moment when Japan changed direction for diplomatic relationship with abroad.

Link : Perry expedition

Yokohama became one of the main trade port with the West, with many foreign traders reside near the port. Many tradesmen hired Japanese maids and servants, and western lifestyle was gradually known among people of Yokohama.

 Link to : Ukiyoe,  Steam train in Yokohama bay 

On some of the streets in Yokohama, horse-drawn coaches were running with tradesmen on the coach. Red-brick buildings stood along those streets. People in western clothing were walking on the streets. Those were some of the iconic movements which gave strong impression that Japan now have relationship with the West.

Link : Horse-drawn coaches in Yokohama


(Hourse's drinking fountain)

Most of those trader’s buildings were, unfortunately collapsed and disappeared due to the strong earthquake and the Second World War. However, Hamakko (people who were born and bread in Yokohama) were eager to rebuild stone buildings or red-brick building to keep their historical heritage. The Kanagawa Prefectural Government office, office of Yokohama Customs, and Yokohama City Port Opening Memorial Hall are some of the iconic building. Each building has towers which are nicknamed as King, Queen and Jack (derived from playing cards’ illustration of king, queen and jack). There is a legend that if you visit these buildings and climb the three towers, your wish will come true.

Yokohama Three Towers - Wikipedia

The restaurant “Bashamichi Juban Kan” is a reproduction of those traders building. The restaurant itself is cozy place with many old collections of interior decoration and old wine glasses on display. It is known as one of the posh dining place, with elegant atmosphere.



My friend and I met there. He was surprised to learn that I rejected the job offer, but he understood my decision. He told me his experience of changing his jobs. He has been working at mostly foreign associated companies, many were based in America. It was good to learn his career path, and he has desire to improve his career, and looked for opportunity to go forward. 

With myself being unemployed because of COVID-19 and prospect for returning to travel industry seems almost impossible, his experience somewhat difficult to relate to my situation. But it was a great chance to learn how a successful person led his career. While I am writing this, I have no idea how my life will lead in he future, but it was worthwhile to learn first-handed life experience of my friend.

The food was good, the main course was very delicate and dainty cooked fish saute. We enjoyed 3 course meal.



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