COVID19 - The third state of emergency in Japan
The State of Emergency was once again declared on 8th January until 7th February in Kanto region in Japan. Areas like Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba once again needed to follow the government’s request to restrict the unnecessary and non-urgent movement of people. This was later extended for one more month, until 21st March 2021. By then, I reckon that people were more used to the phrase “The State of Emergency”. People wore face masks all right, people worked from home, public transportations such as trains and buses were less crowded, schools had implemented online lessons, restaurants and bars were closed – I believe it was more or less the same situation across the world. However, people gradually changed their lifestyle. Many started to go to supermarkets for shopping taking entire family, including babies and small children. I recall that smaller children did not seems to take any precaution against Corona, with their bare faces and touching goods on supermarket shelves...