COVID-19 Vaccine for younger generation

Covid-19 vaccine rollout began sometimes in February 2021.

In March, local authorities started to take appointments from elderly over 60 years old. Around May, appointments became available for middle ages (40 – 59 years old).

There were varied opinions towards vaccine. Some simply took it. Some denied it, refusing that it didn’t’ go through sufficient clinical trials. When I had my first jab in summer 2021, the doctor said that this vaccination project is the biggest human experiment that world has ever seen. 

 Around May or June, just before vaccine became available for those between 20 – 39 years old, some media started to report that some younger generation were not positive taking the jabs. According the interviews by media, some younger people expressed their worries about rumour on SNS, the possible damages to their health. Some even mentioned about possible sterilization. 

Parents with young children had worries, too – some of my friends were debating if it is right decision to give vaccine to their children. Some says it will protect children, some worried about possible negative effect on children’s health.

I understand their frustration. The problem is that no one is sure whether the vaccine has negative side effects to children’s health. Some of my friends decided to take their kids for vaccination, to prepare for the new school term. Better take action before worrying, they said. 

What we need to hear right now might be the result of vaccination, whether it was effective to prevent severe symptom of Covid-19, at least how it worked on the middle age people. We still need few more days, maybe month for the result to come out.

Whatever the result, whatever the choice we made, I hope we can prove in the end that everyone did their best to protect the younger generation.


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