Sending out 1000 resumes

Since I left a travel company last year, a call centre in Tokyo gave me an opportunity to work.

However, jobs at call centre did not agree with me. I discussed with my manager, and we both agreed that I should go and look for another opportunity. I left there in mid August.

I started my 2nd job hunt from July 2021. This time, job market was picking up its pace compared to last year. There were more openings, and more choices.  I also looked for temporary jobs in a hope that there might be a chance to get full-time contract.

I heard from several people that when an astronaut came back to work, he sent out 1000 resumes to company for his next job. They all said that I should follow his example.

Since July, I sent out about 60 resumes in three month. This is not a considerable amount compared to what I intended. I used several job agencies, and applied from their websites. This time, I had few chances to speak with agents online. Once they know that I was actively looking for a job, they were quite helpful, suggested many openings.

Using job agent is certainly an option. Registration is free, and they have secret job vacancies which is not published on their website. Also, some of them shared my resume among their team, which also gave me more options.

I also used recruiting company’s platform where many job agencies post their job offers. This also led me to several agent, and I could expand my connection with more job agents.  

In three months, I had chances to meet job agents as well as had job interview with some of the company’s HR. These were good chance to practice taking to people online.

During the three months, I sorted out my resume and sorted out my job experience more in detail. When making application, I think everyone dose this, I gave priorities to some of my job history which suite to the job vacancy. If a company is looking for someone who can make documents, I wrote my experience of making documents in PowerPoint, Word, or Excel on the first line of my job experience.

So far, I had 2 job interviews and waiting for reply from one company, and another company gave me a chance for 2nd interview.

The result is not out yet, and I am not certain if I will pass my second interview. But sending out as many resume as possible, no matter how many applications were turned down, has certainly lead me to somewhere.

Sending out 1000 resumes. I think this is what COVID-related unemployed people is doing. If I didn’t pass my second interview, I will try more, talk to job agents more, and look for more opportunity.


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