Roppongi Murakami Takashi Art Project

 One of the things which many of us missed during the COVID restriction might be a chance to go out and see arts and entertainments.

I had a chance to go to Roppongi in Tokyo during the spring of 2021. Before going there, I vaguely heard about the name of an artist called Murakami Takashi. He is a Japanese contemporary artist, and his unique drawings were said to be quite renown among younger generation across the world. The characters he creates are painted in bright colours, very pop and catchy.

At Roppongi, Mr. Murakami was organizing an art project called “Ropongi Hills Takashi Murakami Project”. Apparently his gigantic installation of humanoid flowers were among one of them. I saw the installation on some of SNS, thinking it must be impressive. Having actually faced with it, it indeed was an impressively large statue.


I needed to look from a distance to see the entire structure. Many young people were taking photographs, and I sneaked in.

I love this kind of project, which the installation can be seen outside of the building, let alone out of museums or in a glass case.

I think it was nice project to attract younger generation to Roppongi. For our generation - forty to fifty something - there must be two separate opinions on Roppongi. Half of them must have been there to party every weekend, but for the rest, it was no-go area with too much vandalism and crime. I was on the latter opinion. I went there once with my friends when I was young. Indeed, it was a place if you like parties. Back then, I thought once was enough.

But seeing something delightful this time during the daytime in Roppoingi gave me favourable impression – I think I am going to change my opinion.

It was very warm day. As it was Friday, I treated myself with pilsner beer.



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