Mid-Autumn Festival 2021 (Jugoya)

Mid-Autumn Festival– or, rather know as Otsukimi (Moon viewing) -  is on its way in Japan once again this year on 21st September, 2021.

The full moon on 15th August in Chinese calendar is called “Chu-shu no Meigetsu” (中秋の名月:Beautiful moon in mid-autumn). As Chinese calendar is lunar calendar, it is a movable feast. The full moon appears sometime between mid -September to mid-October.

Ideally, families enjoy full moon with a sweets and dumpling while admiring the full moon. At home, this year's sweets are like these.

The custom of moon viewing in Japan goes back about 1000 years ago. Nobles in court or palaces in Kyoto started to admire the full moon, holding party to sing old Chinese poems, play music and drink fine wine. Such a festivity appears in some of the literatures like “The Tale of Genji” by Lady Murasaki. Genji holds a feast at Katsura Villa in Kyoto along with his friends, playing musing and enjoy wine under the moonlight. ( more on this from Katsura Imperial Villa)

In some countries, full-moons are given names. For example, in the old farmer’s almanac, full moon in Autumn are called Harvest moon, Hunter's moon, and Beaver moon. Autumn full moons in Japan are also given names.

1.Potato Moon (21 September 2021)

Chu-shu no Meigetsu ( beautiful mid-autumn moon) is given another name, called “Imo Meigetsu” (Potato moon) to mark the harvest of potatoes this season.

     2. Pea moon (18 October, 2021 )

     One month after Chu-shu no Meigetsu, there is Ju-san ya ( 13th September by Chinese lunar calender ) , which is also known as “Mame Meigetsu” (Pea moon ), to mark the harvest of peas.

 3 . Chestnut moon (14 November, 2021)

One month after Pea moon, there is “To-Kan-Ya” (10th October by Chinese Lunar calendar). The full moon on this day is to mark the harvest of chestnuts.

  (fromJALAN net)

Pea moon and chestnut moons are not much known nowadays, and I suppose not much celebration is held in Japan. But Chu-shu-no Meigetsu is still celebrated.

As it is such a long period of celebration, I decided to organize an online book club. The theme is moon. Any books with moon in title, authour’s name, moon-themed books are welcome. We have about 20 participants now, and some of us started to read “Moon and Six Pence” by William Somerset Maugham.

This year, I picked “Bamboo Cutter and the moon child” by Yei Theodoa Ozaki, from a book called “Japanese fairy tales”.

The book is a collection of widely known old tale retold by the author. It is meant for the young and old from English speaking countries.

It has been long since I read this story. It was nice to go back to this much–loved old tale as I forgot most of the details. 

The “chariot” from the moon might inspire different vehicle depending on the country you grew up in. Mine would look like this one.

The full moon is just few days away.

Enjoy your full moon, wherever you are! Hope the sky will clear up in the evening.


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