Green smoothie

 The summer 2020 in Southern Kanoto was unusually hot and muggy.

To keep good physical condition, I had homemade green smoothie every day.


I followed recipe by an essayist Ms Michiko Miyamoto, known as “The most beautiful diet” 

Despite of mushy appearance, the smoothie taste like fresh drinking vegetable salad, with plenty of Konatsuna green (Mustard-Spinach), tomato and cucumber, with a dash of lemon juice and Japanese basil. During summer 2020, I never felt giddy or tired, possibly helped by this eating habit.

This is pretty voluminous smoothie, it can be replacement for lunch or dinner in case if you are on diet.

Recipe : 
A bunch of Mustard Spinach (Komatsuna) (100g)

1 Tomato

1/2 Cucumber

5 Japanese Basilico

1 tea spoon of sea salt

1 Table spoon of Safflower oil

1 cup of water (200 cc)

1 Lemon, freshly squeezed

1) Mix ingredients (except lemon juice) in mixer until smooth.

2) Add lemon juice and mix (not too long)

3) Mix ice cube if the weather is too hot

Recipe is available from following books


世にも美しいダイエット メニューブック


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