Thoughts on Covid-19 second wave and the future

 Through July to September 2020, the second wave of Covid-19 spread throughout Japan. People gave up taking summer holiday, or visiting grandparents, relatives or friends back home.

Looking back, I was slightly confused with the discrepancy we were facing. Many of us wanted to keep the economy running and support businesses. However, seemingly it has partly caused to lead to the spread of the virus.

The number of Covid patients was on the rise throughout August 2020. It was alarming situation, however, the country was determined to keep the economy running. No curfew was enforced, thus people could lead as close as the ordinary life we have enjoyed before Covid came into our lives.

I recall some of the news program on television mentioned that eating and drinking out at night were possibly one of the reason for the rise of Covid cases. The news program crew visited some of the small restaurants full of guests. The people interviewed by media were quite straightforward, that they want to help boost the economy by going to shops and restaurants which were forced to close during the state of emergency.

Then, one question popped in my mind. Preventing the spread of infection and lead the death toll lower, or limiting the business hour of businesses and increase the number of bankruptcies, unemployment and suicides.

Of course the former. It would only threaten the essential workers and lead to the collapse of healthcare system, and increase the death toll even more.

For the latter, I could only hope that the government’s subsidies and social welfare system will reach out to them fast, and the employer will let the workers take second job to supplement their income.

We had almost no break from the virus except in June, when the number of Covid patients remained low. And within a month, the second wave gradually came in. The Government has been revising budget to tackle with Covid situation, and I wondered where dose the money comes from.

To avoid being too pessimistic, I imagined the better future after corona.


Companies not too much affected by Covid, were introducing new work routine. Working from home, which was not openhandedly welcomed during the first wave, seemed to be implemented in wider industries during the second wave. 

People started to move to countryside, away from metropolis, as they don’t need to commute every day. Perhaps the children might spend better childhood in healthier environment. We all learned that we could rely on online shopping even for essential shopping. Washing hands and gurgling were proven to prevent infectious disease.


Covid days might hit hard on younger people, too - they might needed more privacy, to spend their own time away from their parents, to grow up and become more independent. Staying at home might hinder their independency. 

But one token for them is that they went through this tremendously tough period in their youth. They might have missed the chance to make friends, or had to reconcile by meeting old friends online. They might have to take classes or afterschool clubs online. Some sports clubs had to reduce their practice. 

Experiencing more constraint during Covid days might leads them to value freedom after the Covid days. I believe they will grow up to be much stronger, more flexible and more imaginative and creative. We adults, however difficulty we are facing, should encourage younger people and open possibility for them to create the better future.

Although some professionals warn the hardship we would go through in coming years – let us be strong enough to face it and overcome. If you are over 40, let us remember that our grandparents went through two world wars, Spanish flu and the Great depression.
I am sure we can be as strong as our ancestors.

We live in the age of modern technology. Let us believe that we shall overcome Covid-19 fast and sound, and give hope to younger generation.



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