Demon Slayer and Halloween

 October flew fast. I sent out my resume practically every day to my job agents.

No reply came from companies that I applied

I registered more job agents, hoping that it will lead to more opportunities.
Some of agent started to suggest few openings, and I sent my resumes.
No result either. I couldn’t even get to job interview.

Having started using job agents, I realized that their recommended system rely on computer or AI system, which were not exactly accurate for sending me the job position that I wanted.

For example, if the see a word “manage (管理)” in my resume, they send loads of managerial job opening, which I have no experience whatsoever. Or, it I write “assistant” on my resume, then they started sending “Assistant IT support” or assistant vice president” jobs. If I wrote “Operation”, they sent out “CAD operation”. None of these matches my job experiences.

The more I register job agents, the more I got confused.

To relax from these strain, I gave myself a little treats.

I picked manga comics “Demon Slayer”.


I haven’t seen Anime, nor haven’t read manga. But the success of the film and my friend’s enthusiastic recommendation made me too tempted to peek at the story which was enthralling younger generation.

It was worth buying the series. It took me quite a while to finish reading the all. In the end, I thought this manga was worth reading, with interesting setting and exciting and energetic story.

I also tried to make some Halloween treats. There is a sweets called “eerily eyeball, which should be like this


Photo by courtesy of IPPIN  This photo & the cover photo

But it turned out to be like these. My friends reassured me that they look like truffles. The taste was not bad, but I was eager to know what the original eerily eyeballs taste like.

The last day of October saw the full moon. It was a blue moon, very clear and shiny on the sky. I walked around the neighbourhood, and took some pictures.



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